WHoooaaaa I'm Back!!!
Did you miss me???!!! No need to tell you why I haven't posted in a while, because I'm sure you know LOL..., I'm going to jump right back into this thing like I never left!
Bailey and Beau came home in 4 weeks and Brook came home on week 5. It's funny actually they came home in birth order! Between visiting the NICU, pumping and healing from my C section, I was pretty much busy and didn't even look at my computer to put up any posts. My mother stayed with us for the first 3 months and helped set up the nursery, drove me around, cleaned, cooked and helped with Kanon. She was the biggest help. My MIL would come up to help relieve us at night and that was pretty crucial too. Once Mom left, my inlaws helped more and I had a newborn care specialist, that would come once or twice a week for 8 hours so I could get somethings done around the house. It was during that time that I established a routine to manage by myself, if I needed to.
The first few times alone with the girls by myself was tough, but it needed to happen and it all worked out. So now, I don't need help with the over night because the girls are sleeping for several hours at a time and it's lights out between 6-7pm. I really look for help during the day If i can get it because the triplets are little more demanding and require some engaging at this age.
The girls are 6 months old, 4 months is their adjusted age. They are all over 13 lbs and Beau is closer to 14. She's still the heavier one. They are all progressing wonderfully and coming into their personalities!!! Right now they are all napping so I'm able to do this, but they are the highlight of my day. It's really not them that stress me out, LOL... it's trying to squeeze in cooking, laundry, cleaning and E V E R Y T H I N G else.
Kanon is 5 and is starting Kindergarten in September, so finding and finalizing that has been tough, but he got accepted to two school (yes for Kindergarten smh) and we've enrolled in one. Philadelphia public schools aren't great so we have to do private or Charter schools and it's so competitive. So now it's just finalizing anything associated with his school and trying to make these next few months count in prepping him for that. It also means, that day care, has events, graduation, formal prom type of dance, a year book and things of that sort that aren't easy to keep up, but we're trying and it is a very exciting time! Our little Kanon is growing up!
OK, I need to cut this short, I'm starting the girls on solid foods this week, and I've broken out my Baby Bullet...I know, add that to my plate! But I truly believe that my children will benefit greatly from fresh and healthy foods made by me. Butternut squash is first on the menu and I need to finish preparing that. I also have chicken in the oven that I need to check on!!!
~ I'll be back!
Truly Karae