Feelin' XL
I'm getting bigger by the day and realize I'm only at 5 months, but I'm feeling pretty large.
Everything from my boobs and my belly are getting big. You can add my appetite to the list too!
Friday, Kanon and I picked up dinner and even though I got him a personal pan pizza and myself a cheese steak from two different places, I felt the eyes looking at me as I was gathering our food. I know that people recognize that I am clearly pregnant and hungry, but I also realize that people don't understand that I'm pregnant with triplets. I'm a little self conscious, but all I could do was smile and usher Kanon around with my hands full of food. Ha ha... I'm living for food, planning my days around it as I'm thinking about what's for dinner while it's still breakfast. I try to snack as much as possible too. The doctors didn't give me specific orders other than to eat when I'm hungry, but I try to stay ahead of the curve, or else I find my self feeling like I'm starving.
On top of all the stares, I also really had to use the bathroom of course, which luck would have it, both place didn't have a public restroom. I didn't want to pull the pregnancy card, so I held it until I got home. Sometimes I think of using Kanon as an excuse to ask for a bathroom, LOL, but since he's a boy, feel that's never really a good idea. All in all, my eyes are almost always bigger than my stomach. I didn't eat all of my food and was able to leave Bryant enough for leftovers.
I need to keep my coco, shea and almond butter on hand as my skin is not only extremely dry, but it also feels extra tight. The skin directly underneath my belly button, is the most sensitive. Having eczema (which you may have noticed on my hands, arms, legs, neck, belly...ugh) doesn't help while I'm pregnant, because I am getting depleted of everything, including the moisture to my skin. So I drink plenty of water and moisturize as much as possible. I put my topical medication on every once and a while. The doctors assured me that the steroroid will not penetrate the protective barrier, but I'm still very cautious and use the medicine sparingly. What I no longer have any more is the dermatographia, a skin condition similar to having a welt that itches like crazy which was brought on by stress about a year ago. The irony which is having it, just caused me more stress. It mysteriously came and then thankfully went, and I'm praying it doesn't come back. I know there's a possibility that everything I've noted here has the potential to get worse, but it's where I'm at right now. And to add to everything, my back has started to hurt and get more stiff. So I try to make myself comfortable and whenever possible, stretch and move to loosen it up.
On another note, Kanon took this picture too. He's getting good, considering he's four years old. I'm thinking of getting him a camera. Since Bryant is working long hours, I don't have my go-to photographer.