How Having Triplets Changed Getting Out Of The House!!!
This post is sponsored by Carter's; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Certainly the time it takes us to get out of the house is one of the many ways having triplets has changed everything. Purely from my perspective, (and mind you I'm not complaining, just stating, lol) getting out of the house with one child is easy versus my four. Having a child is life changing in it's self, having triplets is life changing and mind blowing!!!
Brook in Carter's Little Baby Basics with the cutest bandana bib and matching swaddle.
Just leaving my house for something as simple as a quick run to the grocery store for a forgotten item or dropping Kanon off to school is no longer that quick, grab my keys, I'll be back in a minute run. Even when Kanon was a baby, I still had the luxury of quickly securing him into his carseat and I could be out the door in a matter of minutes. Well, that has all changed. One of the ways that having triplets has changed everything is the amount of time it takes us to get out of the house. I really need to plan my departure the night before and at the very least, hours before I have to leave my house. Between feedings and naps for three, having their diaper bag (which in my case is an overnight/weekender bag) ready can be challenging. Having it stocked is a definite plus. I've found that for my shorter, quicker runs, i.e. taking Kanon to school or getting coffee, most likely a change of clothes, diapers and wipes along with a few extra bottles will suffice. What I pack for a extended visit to family or even for a day trip is another blog post, let's just say on those trips I feel as if I am packing to stay a month when in reality it's for a day or two.
Carter's Little Baby Basics Original Bodysuit Bundles, Yes there are three!!!
One area I find myself worrying less about, believe it or not, is their baby clothes. I do like to dress the girls alike, (at least for now) but also, I am totally okay with them wearing coordinated outfits too. Carter's Little Baby Basics makes dressing and outfit changes super easy and convenient especially with three babies. With life full of the unknowns, growing triplets and an active five year old, one less thing to worry about is such a relief. With Carter's Little Baby Basics I can mix or match the original bodysuits and clothes bundles, if there is a #1 (pee), #2 (poop) or #3 (food) accident to my hearts content. I know that they will, still match and look super cute with any outfit change. My husband can even grab a replacement outfit out of the diaper bag or drawer without completely clashing with what they already have on! Winning, Winning, Winning!!!
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Love these bids and matching swaddlers!!! Perfect for your self or a baby shower gift!
Thank me later!!!
~ Truly Karae